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The year 2040 (S1E3) : Agriculture and swarm intelligence

Before we delve into today's episode, I'd like to clarify that while creating a self-operating machine capable of making its own decisions is feasible, achieving a self-aware AI remains a formidable challenge. As of now, the only viable shortcut to developing self-aware machines involves the integration of humanity with technology. Picture a scenario where a human brain powers a robotic entity, combining the computational precision of a computer with the lightning speed of thought. It's a concept with immense potential. By 2040, such technology could be on the brink of realization. Currently, ongoing projects are pushing the boundaries of possibility, with promising results seen in trials involving rats. To explore further, you can look into Neuralink for more information. Now, shifting our focus to today's topic: agriculture. Kenya stands as an agricultural powerhouse, and as technology enthusiasts, we have a pivotal role to play in enhancing farming efficiency and pro

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